I have a query which has the following SQL:

SELECT [Complex Query 4].[EMP NO], [All Employees].[Practicing Manager], Employees.[Employee Name], [Master Table 2].[Project Manager], Sum([Complex Query 4].[Feb-11]) AS [SumOfFeb-11]
FROM (([Master Table 2] INNER JOIN Employees ON [Master Table 2].[EMP NO]=Employees.[EMP NO]) INNER JOIN [Complex Query 4] ON Employees.[EMP NO]=[Complex Query 4].[EMP NO]) INNER JOIN [All Employees] ON Employees.[EMP NO]=[All Employees].[EMP NO]
GROUP BY [Complex Query 4].[EMP NO], [All Employees].[Practicing Manager], Employees.[Employee Name], [Master Table 2].[Project Manager], Employees.Resigned, Employees.[Moved to Non-Banking]
HAVING (((Sum([Complex Query 4].[Feb-11])) Is Null) AND ((Employees.Resigned)=No) AND ((Employees.[Moved to Non-Banking])=No));

What I need is to be able to automatically select the month from a form and generate new results. According to the above query, the month is Feb-11. So how would I be able to automatically generate the results if I wanted the month to be Jan-11 without having to open the design of the query and change it manually?
