We're currently running Outlook, exchange and BCM 2007.

Combined, these programs make for a major memory hog and depending on BCM's mood can make inputting data into BCM unbearable. At times when trying to work in BCM it can take upwards of a minute to open a record.

So what I'm trying to do is make a lightweight database as a filter for our contacts. We get a lot of junk calls that we don't currently track and do a lot of work twice when we're taking calls for a sale that will move forward.

I'd like to have access set up so our sales guys can export a contact they set up to BCM if the potential for a sale is there.

Now the kicker - for all of those junk calls, I want to know where they came from so we don't spend our advertising dollars with the lick the finger and see which way the wind blows technique.

Now the reason I'm here - I currently have a simple database set up, but I want to force our sales guys to choose a source for the phone call before they can put in additional information.

The source list would be a drop down field that they choose from and when they select a source, all of the additional fields would be displayed.

Is there a way to do this?

In theory, each source would be a different table name, and when you selected that source it'd display that table.

But, I dont know enough to know how to do it so here I be. ANy input would be appreciated.