Good Morning,
I am trying to create an AfterUpdate event that will change my field "CITY" to proper case.
I've tried #StrConv([CITY],3)#
The more I try to fix it, the more confused I get. Can someone help?
Good Morning,
I am trying to create an AfterUpdate event that will change my field "CITY" to proper case.
I've tried #StrConv([CITY],3)#
The more I try to fix it, the more confused I get. Can someone help?
The # shouldn't be part of the code!
This will convert a string to proper case
This query will display a text field T in proper caseCode:?StrConv("HElLo woRlD",3) Hello World
The original data isn't converted with the above. To do so, use an update queryCode:SELECT id, T, StrConv([T],3) AS Expr1 FROM Table1;
Code:UPDATE Table1 SET T = StrConv([T],3);