hi guys,

i am totally oblivious to access and how it works.
i have a question regarding a project i am thinking of starting for work...
if anyone can point me in the right direction or even has ideas on how to go about it please feel free...
i require a form, preferably web based, where i will be able to add customer's data (name, address, license #, DOB, license expiry, qualifications,qualification expiry (x4), email, contact info)
this form will populate my MDB, of course, which in turn would run a cron job (or equivalent) daily.
3 months before any of the expiry dates in the data, i would like the MDB to send an email and remind the customer that they are about to lapse in currency.

is it feasible? if so, how much of a pain? if so, any examples you know of, that I could build upon?
thanks in advance.

PS. i would also like the "dossiers" to be updateable