Hi, i have been trying to make the cell grow dynamically to the text in HEIGHT with the following code, but no luck so far.

objRange.EntireColumn.AutoFit adjusts the cell in width, but i need to do that in HEIGHT.

i also tried objExcel.Cells(2, 11).CanGrow = True and
objRange.CanGrow = True
but i got no such method/property error.

anyone has any idea what i did wrong?

thank you very much for the helps.

Private Sub TTTT_Click()
Dim objExcel
Dim objWorkBook
Dim objWorkSheet
Dim objRange
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = True

objExcel.Cells(2, 11).Value = "DSSSSSSSSSSSSS" + vbNewLine + "SSSSSSSSSSSSS" + vbNewLine + "SSSSSSSSSSSSS" + + vbNewLine +

objExcel.Cells(2, 11).EntireColumn.AutoFit

Set objRange = objExcel.Range("K2", "K4")
objRange.WrapText = True

objRange.MergeCells = True
objRange.ColumnWidth = 4
'objRange.RowHeight = 44
objRange.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
objRange.VerticalAlignment = -4108

Set objExcel = Nothing
End Sub