
Officially this is driving me mad.
I am trying to add a total field to my form Orders.

I have a couple of queries working out different amounts and then one pulling it all together.
However when it comes together its putting some really random numbers in there

I don't think how I have done it is the best way but I can get the rest to work.
  • Product Subtotals works out the subtotals of the items with VAT
  • Total Item Cost bring the value together and groups it buy the Order ID
  • Employee Work Query works out the employee pay * hours worked
  • Employee Pay pulls the totals together the values form Employee work query
  • Total Cost then Adds Total Item cost and Employee Pay together.

But for some reason the Order ID has multiple values on it that just don't work.
Does anyone have any ideas how to do this in a simpler method or how to get the correct answer/see where I'm going wrong?

Sorry for all these open post I've spent so long on it and its just not working