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  1. #1
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Update VBA routine to process fieldname changes for *multiple* tables


    I need some assistance with tweaking a working VBA routine (for a single table) in order to now process multiple tables. Please find attached 2 database files:

    1. Rename_Fields_Single_Table
    2. Rename_Fields_Multiple_Tables

    Before I go into the details, I would like to first give credit to Vlad (aka Gicu) who has been instrumental in helping me designing the function for processing one (1) table. Vlad's function works perfectly but it it used for a slightly different process. Now, that applying this process to another routine, the procedure is slightly different given it requires processing of multiple tables (vs. 1 table).

    Ok, allow me to provide some background first on file "Rename_Fields_Single_Table":
    - It contains the following objects:
    ** 2 tables: [00_tbl_Source_1] and [01_tbl_FieldMapping]
    ** Table [00_tbl_Source_1] is the "legacy" table with old (out-dated) field naming convention
    ** Table [01_tbl_FieldMapping] includes 3 fields: [TABLE_NAME], [FN_LEGACY], [FN_STANDARDIZED]
    ** The 2 queries are automatically generated by the VBA function (see module)

    Process for "Rename_Fields_Single_Table":
    1. Open form "F01_MainMenu"
    2. Click on command button "Standardize Field Names"
    3. Per step #2, a new table [tblMMAC] is created. This table is a copy of [00_tbl_Source_1] but with the new/standardized field names as outlined in table [01_tbl_FieldMapping].

    Note per VBA:
    * Please note that line
        strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_Source_1];"
    includes the hard-coded table: "00_tbl_Source_1"

    Now, let's look at the 2nd file "Rename_Fields_Multiple_Tables"... this is where I need some assistance with tweaking the VBA.

    Allow me to recap the differences between the 2 files:
    a. I now have 4 tables "00_tbl_Source_1" through "00_tbl_Source_4"
    b. Table [01_tbl_FieldMapping] has been updated to reflect the mapping between "legacy" fields and standardized fields for all 4 source tables.
    c. Please note that field [TABLE_NAME] has 4 different values (MMAC through POAIRS).

    Process for "Rename_Fields_Multiple_Tables":
    1. Now, just like with the version containing a single source table, I open up the form and click on the command button.
    2. You'll note that the VBA automatically creates now 8 queries (4 sets of 2) for each source.
    3. Unfortunately, the routine only generates table [tblMMAC] instead of {[tblMMAC], [tblNNSY], [tblPHNSY], [tblPOAIRS]}
    4. And, in review of the make-table and SELECT queries for [_NNSY], [_PHNSY], [_POAIRS] I'm prompted with a dialogue box.

    Naturally, I understand as to why the VBA did NOT generate the missing 3 tables... again, as previously mentioned, the code only specifies "00_tbl_Source_1".

    So, here's my question/what I need some help with:
    - How should the VBA be modified to *loop* through all tables that have a table prefix = "00_tbl_"?
    - Doing so should then pass the correct values into the SEL and make-table queries and then generate all 4 tables with the correct standardized field names.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    kd2017 is offline Well, I tried at least.
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  3. #3
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Good morning... I tried the below (i.e., replacing the single strBaseSQL line with the ForLoop) but it now it only produces a table for the last source table (vs. all source tables).

    What am I missing?

        Dim t As TableDef
        For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
            'If t.Name Like "00_tbl_*" Then DoCmd.RunSQL ("DROP TABLE " & t.Name)
            If t.Name Like "00_tbl_*" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM " & t.Name
        'Replaced strBaseSQL with For Loop above
        'strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_MMAC];"

  4. #4
    Minty is offline VIP
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    You need to run the StrBsseSQL each time IN the loop?
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  5. #5
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Minty - thank you... isn't that what I have though?

    Below is the original code w/o the commented lines. Am I misinterpreting it?
        Dim t As TableDef
        For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
            If t.Name Like "00_tbl_*" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM " & t.Name

  6. #6
    Minty is offline VIP
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    No - Work through the loop

    Set strBaseSQL to "fred"
    Set strBaseSQL to "Harry"
    Set strBaseSQL to "Tom"


    You aren't doing anything with it until you end the looping process.
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  7. #7
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Minty -- not really tracking here... sorry. Please see entire VBA code (3 functions) where I'm currently trying to correct the UpdateQueries code.

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Public iCounter As Integer
    Public Sub UpdateQueries()
        'Declare variables
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, sTarget As String, sField As String
        Dim sCurrent As String, i As Integer
        Dim sSQL As String, sFieldAlias As String
        Dim strBaseSQL As String
        Dim v, sOrganizationFilter As String
        'Filter for data source (MMAC, NNSY, etc.)
        Dim t As TableDef
        For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_MMAC" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_MMAC];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_NNSY" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_NNSY];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_PHNSY" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_PHNSY];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_POAIRS" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_POAIRS];"
        'Reset counter for new tables
        iCounter = 0
        'Delete all queries
        If Forms![F01_MainMenu].chkDeleteAllQry = True Then Call DeleteAllQueries
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM 01_tbl_FieldMapping Order BY TABLE_NAME, FN_STANDARDIZED;", dbOpenSnapshot)
        If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
        sTarget = ""
        sField = ""
        sSQL = ""
        sTarget = rs("TABLE_NAME")                                      'First record
        Do Until rs.EOF
            sField = rs("[FN_LEGACY]")
            sCurrent = rs("TABLE_NAME")
            sFieldAlias = Nz(rs("FN_STANDARDIZED"), sField)             'Allows to only add alias where different than original field name (i.e., FN_LEGACY)
            If sTarget <> sCurrent And i > 1 Then
                sSQL = Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 1)
                sSQL = Replace(strBaseSQL, "|FIELDS_HERE|", sSQL)
                Call CreateQuery("qry" & sTarget, sSQL)
                sTarget = sCurrent                                      'Reset target
                sSQL = ""
            End If
            If sFieldAlias = sField Then
                sSQL = sSQL & "[" & sField & "],"
                sSQL = sSQL & "[" & sField & "] as " & sFieldAlias & ","
            End If
        i = i + 1
        If rs.EOF Then Call CreateQuery("qry" & sTarget, Replace(strBaseSQL, "|FIELDS_HERE|", Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 1)))   'Last one
    End Sub
    Public Sub CreateQuery(sQueryName As String, sQuerySQL As String)
        Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef, qdfMk As DAO.QueryDef
        On Error Resume Next
        DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, sQueryName
        DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, Replace(sQueryName, "qry", "tbl")
        Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(sQueryName, sQuerySQL)
        If Forms![F01_MainMenu].chkCreateMK = True Then                 'Copy SELECT queries and makes them MAKE TABLE queries
          Set qdfMk = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("mk_" & sQueryName, "SELECT [" & sQueryName & "].* INTO " & Replace(sQueryName, "qry", "tbl") & " FROM [" & sQueryName & "];")
        End If
        If Forms![F01_MainMenu].chkExecuteMK = True Then                'Execute MAKE TABLE queries
            CurrentDb.Execute "mk_" & sQueryName, dbFailOnError
        End If
        iCounter = iCounter + 1                                         'Increment public new tables counter
    End Sub
    Public Sub DeleteAllQueries()
        'Declare variables
        Dim db As DAO.Database
        Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
        Dim n As Integer
        'For loop for deleting queries
        Set db = CurrentDb
        For Each qdf In db.QueryDefs
            If Left(qdf.Name, 6) <> "01_qry" Then
                DoCmd.DeleteObject acQuery, qdf.Name
                n = n + 1
            End If
        If n = 0 Then
            'Do nothing
            MsgBox n & " queries have been deleted.", vbInformation, "Delete Queries"
        End If
    End Sub

  8. #8
    Minty is offline VIP
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    Change your code here;

     Dim t As TableDef
        For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_MMAC" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_MMAC];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_NNSY" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_NNSY];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_PHNSY" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_PHNSY];"
            If t.Name = "00_tbl_POAIRS" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM [00_tbl_POAIRS];"
            Debug.Print strBaseSQL
       Debug.Print "Final string = " &  strBaseSQL
    You will see that you are stepping through all the tables, but that strBaseSQL is reset everytime to the next table before you use it, eventually it gets set to the last table and you then use that in the rest of your code.
    The For loop needs to be used to set the strBaseSQL then before you issue the NEXT command you carry out all the other shinanigans .


    For each t ....
        All you other code
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  9. #9
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Ok... seems like I'm now in a never-ending loop...

    Public Sub UpdateQueries()
        'Declare variables
        Dim rs As DAO.Recordset, sTarget As String, sField As String
        Dim sCurrent As String, i As Integer
        Dim sSQL As String, sFieldAlias As String
        Dim strBaseSQL As String
        Dim v, sOrganizationFilter As String
        Dim t As TableDef
        For Each t In CurrentDb.TableDefs
            If t.Name Like "00_tbl_*" Then strBaseSQL = "SELECT |FIELDS_HERE| FROM " & t.Name
        'Reset counter for new tables
        iCounter = 0
        'Delete all queries
        If Forms![F01_MainMenu].chkDeleteAllQry = True Then Call DeleteAllQueries
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM 01_tbl_FieldMapping Order BY TABLE_NAME, FN_STANDARDIZED;", dbOpenSnapshot)
        If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
        sTarget = ""
        sField = ""
        sSQL = ""
        sTarget = rs("TABLE_NAME")                                      'First record
        Do Until rs.EOF
            sField = rs("[FN_LEGACY]")
            sCurrent = rs("TABLE_NAME")
            sFieldAlias = Nz(rs("FN_STANDARDIZED"), sField)             'Allows to only add alias where different than original field name (i.e., FN_LEGACY)
            If sTarget <> sCurrent And i > 1 Then
                sSQL = Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 1)
                sSQL = Replace(strBaseSQL, "|FIELDS_HERE|", sSQL)
                Call CreateQuery("qry" & sTarget, sSQL)
                sTarget = sCurrent                                      'Reset target
                sSQL = ""
            End If
            If sFieldAlias = sField Then
                sSQL = sSQL & "[" & sField & "],"
                sSQL = sSQL & "[" & sField & "] as " & sFieldAlias & ","
            End If
        i = i + 1
        If rs.EOF Then Call CreateQuery("qry" & sTarget, Replace(strBaseSQL, "|FIELDS_HERE|", Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 1)))   'Last one
    End Sub

  10. #10
    Minty is offline VIP
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    Without delving into your current (Working I assume) process too much, I'm puzzled by iCounter which is set to 0 then never does anything.
    Should that be the variable i as that is incremented later in the original rs loop?

    I would take a step back and write down the steps you need to achieve (in order) for each table.
    Do you need to load the record set "SELECT * FROM 01_tbl_FieldMapping Order BY TABLE_NAME, FN_STANDARDIZED" in the loop or is it a one off that needs stepping though for each table?
    Does it need to be outside the table loop or inside it?

    You need to work out how the diffent parts of nested loops interact with each other.
    Pen and paper or post-it's can help here, if your mind doesn't work in a way to "see it"

    Not being critical, just some people find this stuff easy, and some don't.
    If you don't, it's probably more important to grasp the methodology and slowly work through it than just dive in.
    Last edited by Minty; 07-14-2021 at 02:27 AM.
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  11. #11
    skydivetom is offline VIP
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    Minty -- thank you... I appreciate the feedback. It's working now... your recommendation worked.

Please reply to this thread with any new information or opinions.

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