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  1. #1
    jbeets is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows 10 Access 2013 64bit
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    Feb 2020

    Query to pull random selection of records by manager name


    The database I am creating is used to audit work completed by managers. I am trying to find the most efficient way to pull a random selection of records for each manager under a director.

    I have a query that pulls in all of the records completed by the managers for that area and I have a parameter set for the director to type in their name so that it pulls in audits completed by only their managers. Is there a way to pull in a set number of randomly selected audits for each manager? Is it possible to tell it to pull only unique values from the manager column?

    This is what I have so far....
    SELECT tblAutoAudits.AuditName, tblAutoAudits.Unit, tblAutoAudits.Manager, tblAutoAudits.UserName, tblAutoAudits.[Claim Number], tblAutoAudits.LossDate, tblAutoAudits.[Date Audit Pulled], tblAutoAudits.[Loss Description], tblAutoAudits.COL, tblAutoAudits.Auditor, tblAutoAudits.DateAudited, tblAutoAudits.Coverage, tblAutoAudits.[Investigation/ Liability], tblAutoAudits.Financials, tblAutoAudits.APD, tblAutoAudits.[Injury Evaluation & Settlement], tblAutoAudits.[Documentation/ File Coding], tblAutoAudits.[Communication & Customer Service], tblAutoAudits.[Audit Comments], tblAutoAudits.[Positive Feedback], tblAutoAudits.[Opportunity for Improvement], tblAutoAudits.[Overall Score], tblAutoAudits.[Skip Reason], tblAutoAudits.Area, tbl_Directors.[Director Name], Rnd([Overall Score]) AS Random
    FROM tblAutoAudits INNER JOIN tbl_Directors ON tblAutoAudits.Area = tbl_Directors.Area
    WHERE (((tblAutoAudits.[Overall Score]) Is Not Null) AND ((tbl_Directors.[Director Name])=[Enter Director name for audits to complete - (example: Smith, John)]));
    Thank you for any ideas or help you can provide!

  2. #2
    CJ_London is offline VIP
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    Mar 2015
    look to the bottom of this thread in the Similar threads section - there are several posts asking the same thing

  3. #3
    ranman256's Avatar
    ranman256 is offline VIP
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    This code goes thru a list of manager, pulls the 1 mgr,
    gets his data, then picks N random records (kiRandCt )

    Public Sub RandomOrder()
    dim coll as new collection
    cont kiRandCt = 4   'pull 4 random records
    docmd.setwarnings false
    'empty the result table
    docmd.openquery "qdEmptyTargTbl"
      'go thru list of managers and get N random entries they own
    for i = 0 to me.lstMgr.listcount-1
       vMgr =  lstMgr.listitem(i)   'get next item in list
       lstMgr = vMgr    'set list to this item
           'get N random records for this mgr
        gosub getRandomRecs 
    docmd.setwarnings true
    MsgBox "done"
    Set coll = Nothing
    exit sub
    getRandomRecs :
    set coll = new collection
       'get mgr records
    sSql = "select * from table where [Manager]='" & vMgr & "'"
      'collect all keys in the rec set
    Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSql)
    With rst
       While Not .EOF
           sKey = rst.Fields(0).Value & ""   'get the key
           coll.Add sKey, sKey      'put key in list, then remove if picked       
    End With
    Set rst = Nothing
       'pick key at random then set new order for it
    i = 0
    While coll.Count > 0 and iPickCt < kiRandCt 
        iPickCt  = iPickCt + 1
        iRnd = Int(coll.Count * Rnd + 1)
        'Debug.Print iRnd
        vKey = coll(iRnd)
            'place random pick into target table
         sSql = "insert into tTargTbl (manager, key) values ('" & vMgr & "'," & vKey & ")"
        DoCmd.RunSQL sSql
        coll.Remove sKey    'remove key so we dont duplicate
    End Sub

  4. #4
    jbeets is offline Advanced Beginner
    Windows 10 Access 2013 64bit
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    Thank you ranman256! I will give this a shot and see how it goes!

    But first lets see if I understand.....I will put this code in a module in my form and adjust the query it is opening along with the number of records I want it to pull for each manager. The form will then populate with the records pulled?

    Again, thank you so much for taking the time to help me!

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