I'm looking for some VBA code to create/post a message in an SQS queue in AWS to trigger a task in an external processes. (e.g. SendAMessage).

We have a worker running that reads from SQS queue / processes messages 24/7. Is there a COM Object? SDK to download?

Here is some C# code if this helps. In this example recordID references an object or record in a SQL data table. I think the SqsConfiguration may be a proprietary library but must be something out there to do this.

[sample code from C#]

public void SendMessage(Guid recordId)
SqsConfiguration config = new SqsConfiguration() { Credentials = _credentials, QueueUrl = $"https://sqs.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/xxxxx/{_queueConfiguration.NotificationQueueName}", Endpoint = RegionEndpoint.USEast2 };
StringMessageWriter writer = new SqsQueueWriter(config);
writer.Write(recordId.ToString(), _formatConfig.WriteFormat);
[/sample code from C#]