A fun project for using a custom collection to create a class object that lets you do what you wish you could with regular strings, iterate through the characters or pull out a single character at specific spot. Can also append, prepend, and replace characters. Some testing, some more probably needed to be done.

Maybe more of a fun example of creating a custom collection. Although I suppose it could be useful, it's not super efficient for intensive uses I guess.

NOTE: This custom collection uses hidden attributes. You CANNOT simply copy and paste this into a class module and expect it to work. You have to copy and paste it into a text file (preferably saved with the .cls extension, I suppose), and then import it into the project using File --> Import File. This allows you to use the short cut to refer to the "Char" attribute (using, for instance, Debug.Print sc(11) instead of Debug.Print sc.Char(11)).
The class will work, but editing and compiling the attributes (like VB_UserMemID = 0) will not work with VBE because it does not directly support it. They will have to be added, removed, and edited outside the VBE.

Here is the code:
  MultiUse = -1  'True
Attribute VB_Name = "StringContainer"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim myCol As Collection, myStr As String

Public Sub Load(setStr As String)
    myStr = setStr
    If setStr <> vbNullString Then
        LoadCollection setStr
    End If
End Sub

Public Property Get GetCollection() As Collection
    Set GetCollection = myCol
End Property

Public Property Get Length() As Long
    If Not myCol Is Nothing Then
        Length = myCol.Count
    End If
End Property

Public Property Get Value() As String
    Value = myStr
End Property

Public Sub Append(addStr As String)
    If Me.Length = 0 Then
        Me.Load addStr
        If addStr <> vbNullString Then
            myStr = myStr & addStr
            LoadCollection myStr
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
    Set NewEnum = myCol.[_NewEnum]
End Function

Public Sub Prepend(preStr As String)
    Set myCol = New Collection
    myStr = preStr & myStr
    LoadCollection myStr
End Sub

Public Sub Insert(insStr As String, insAt As Long)
Dim craftStr As String, sLen As Long
    craftStr = Left(myStr, insAt - 1) & insStr & _
        Right(myStr, Len(myStr) - (insAt - 1))
    myStr = craftStr
    LoadCollection myStr
End Sub

Public Sub ReplaceStr(repStr As String, repWith As String, Optional compare As VbCompareMethod)
Dim sLen As Long, rLen As Long
    myStr = Replace(myStr, repStr, repWith, compare:=compare)
    LoadCollection myStr
End Sub

Public Property Get Char(charNum As Long) As String
Attribute Char.VB_UserMemID = 0
    Char = myCol(charNum)
End Property        

Public Property Let Char(charNum As Long, setTo As String)
    If Me.Length = 1 Then
        myCol.Remove charNum
        myCol.Add Left(setTo, 1)
        myStr = setTo
        myCol.Remove charNum
        If charNum > 1 Then
            myCol.Add Left(setTo, 1), After:=charNum - 1
            myCol.Add Left(setTo, 1), Before:=charNum + 1
        End If
        myStr = Left(myStr, charNum - 1) & setTo & Right(myStr, Len(myStr) - charNum)
    End If
End Property

Private Sub LoadCollection(toLoad As String)
Set myCol = New Collection
Dim sLen As Long, i As Long
    sLen = Len(toLoad)
    For i = 1 To sLen
        myCol.Add Mid$(toLoad, i, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set myCol = Nothing
End Sub
Here is some Sample Code. Note that I iterate through the collection using a for loop directly against the object, and use the default property "Char" without referring to it directly.
Public Sub Test()    Dim sc As New StringContainer
    sc.Load "This is a string"
    Debug.Print "Init. Load: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print sc(3)
    Debug.Print sc(4)
    sc(11) = "S"
    Debug.Print "(After char change) Per val: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print "Per col: " & IterateTest(sc)
    sc.Append " and more!"
    Debug.Print "(After Append) Per val: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print "Per col: " & IterateTest(sc)
    sc.Prepend "1) "
    Debug.Print "(After Prepend) Per val: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print "Per col: " & IterateTest(sc)
    sc.Insert " damn fine", 13
    Debug.Print "(Insert str) Per val: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print "Per col: " & IterateTest(sc)
    sc.ReplaceStr "Damn", "bleep", vbTextCompare
    Debug.Print "(Replace Str) Per val: " & sc.Value
    Debug.Print "Per col: " & IterateTest(sc)
End Sub

Public Function IterateTest(inSc As StringContainer) As String
Dim var As Variant, bld As String
    For Each var In inSc
        bld = bld & var
    IterateTest = bld
End Function
Here is the output:
Init. Load: This is a string
(After char change) Per val: This is a String
Per col: This is a String
(After Append) Per val: This is a String and more!
Per col: This is a String and more!
(After Prepend) Per val: 1) This is a String and more!
Per col: 1) This is a String and more!
(Insert str) Per val: 1) This is a damn fine String and more!
Per col: 1) This is a damn fine String and more!
(Replace Str) Per val: 1) This is a bleep fine String and more!
Per col: 1) This is a bleep fine String and more!