securing the database objects have different ways:

1. Password protect the database
2. Password protect the VB codes
3. Disable allowbypasskey
4. Make MDE file for versions 2003 and previous
5. ULS


a. the simplest way to protect is by password protecting
b. Allowbypasskey diabling is a protection done by vb code
c. by making the MDE file, the forms, report, dap, macro, and modules
are locked thereby it cannot be opened for editing or for opening.
d. by making ULS, the objects are locked by access, I think this goes by
code again and we setup its password.


Therefore, protecting the database objects were done thru coding matched by password. So therefore, maybe there is a way that we can make our own CODE to lock the database objects.

And I think our gurus here in this forum might help us out with that code.
Can we do this?