I have a table in the following manner

Class| Student Name| Address_Eng| Address_Por| Percentage| Subject| Marks
1 st1 Tinsel Town Trerfmd 100
1 st1 XYZ Street XYZ Aerd 100
1 st1 Bldg ABCD Blefdg ABCD 100
1 st1 ---------- ------------ 100
2 st2 China Town China Retedaw 75

I have created a classwise report.

Class: xyz
School: abc

Student Roll No | Name | Subject | Marks
st1 Student1 Maths 79
st1 Student1 Science 99
st1 Student1 History 99
st2 Student2 Maths 87

In the same report, I want a field in which Addresses are displayed in one field(mixture of both languages), studentwise


Tinsel Town
XYZ Street
XYZ Aerd
Blefdg ABCD

Please help!!