Dear All

I have done a lot of searching online and I'm beginning to give up hope...

I am setting up a form containing simple column charts to display some questionnaire results. The charts are based on a table of raw data and are linked to the record displayed in the main form. They work fine and display the correct data, but the order of the columns along the x-axis is always alphabetical, and I need them to display in a particular order.

For example, the set of answers to a question may be

Not Applicable

and that's the order I want them to be on my chart. But on the chart they are always displayed in this order:

Not applicable

i.e. alphabetical. Even if I view the chart data table and change the order of the rows in that, so that the order of the columns updates automatically in design view, the next time I view the form it reverts to alphabetical order.

Is there a simple (or even a complicated) way to correct this?

Any advice much appreciated!