
I have a problem since we moved from access 97 to access 2002. The problem is with the link tables.

If I execute the code below in a module in the same database, it takes 14 seconds to execute this code.

If I create a brand new access 2002 database, paste the same code and link to that table alone, it takes around 10 minutes.

With access 97 speed was almost as if the code was executing in the same database.

I read the page http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/performancefaq.htm and did the first 3 recomendations.

Any ideas ???

Private sub TestSpeed()
Set rsDummy = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Top 1 * FROM TableTo KeepLdbAlive")
    SQL = "... Select FROM a 1 milions record table with index ok... "    
d = Now
    For i = 1 To 200
        Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
    MsgBox "Seconds:" & DateDiff("s", d, Now)
End Sub