I am not sure if this question belongs here or in the queries section, but since my problem is with the report, here it is:

I have 2 queries. The first one is basically my source where i perform a simple running sum using a SQL Select code. The second query is there so i can filter out unwanted transactions and keep the running sum totals i calculated in the first query intact and working correctly.

My problem comes in with the report.

I create the report and format it, no problems. The issue comes in where i want to use groupings - to filter the transactions per year. I can create the grouping alright (using the grouping function in Access 2010), but what the report does is to take the last result in the running total that my first query calculated and makes all the previous result that the SQL query calculated identical. (i have checked the query whilst the report is open and it is correct)

So assume in a 3 line report, the running sum cell was

the running sum column for all 3 lines is 18 when i turn the groupings on.

When i turn the grouping off, the report then shows the correct results again.

Any insight into this issue would be greatly appreciated.