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  1. #1
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    Error Using List Box with Simple Multi Select

    I have a table with a list box whose multi Select Property is set to Simple. When I try to select an item from the list, I get an error message that says "You must enter a value in the 'tblCourseEnrollment.CourseID_FK' field. If I change the Multi Select property to None, the form works just fine. What am I missing?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    moke123's Avatar
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    You have a FORM with a listbox. Is the listbox bound or unbound? Do you have any code that runs after update?
    Are there fields that are required? Any referential integrity?

  3. #3
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    Yes, a form. Sorry. (Extreme novice) I'm not sure what "bound" means. There is no after update code. I don't believe I set any fields to required but they should be. I set all referential integrity to yes.

    UPDATE: The fields are required.

  4. #4
    moke123's Avatar
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    A multiselect listbox has a value of null as opposed to a regular listbox which will have the value of the one selected item.
    To get the values of a multiselect listbox you must iterate through the .itemsSelected collection of the listbox.

    I would guess that your listbox is bound to a field that is required. Bound meaning the control source of the list is set to a field in your table or query.
    You're getting an error because the required field if missing (null).

    Could you describe your table and fields and what you're trying to do?
    I would guess your trying to set a number of courses to a student. Are you using a junction table such as tblStudentCourse with fields like StudentCourseID, StudentID and CourseID?

  5. #5
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    Quote Originally Posted by moke123 View Post
    A multiselect listbox has a value of null as opposed to a regular listbox which will have the value of the one selected item.
    To get the values of a multiselect listbox you must iterate through the .itemsSelected collection of the listbox.

    I would guess that your listbox is bound to a field that is required. Bound meaning the control source of the list is set to a field in your table or query.
    You're getting an error because the required field if missing (null).

    Could you describe your table and fields and what you're trying to do?
    I would guess your trying to set a number of courses to a student. Are you using a junction table such as tblStudentCourse with fields like StudentCourseID, StudentID and CourseID?
    I am trying to set up a table where a teacher could "enroll" students into classes. Once enrolled, the gradebook would allow grades for individual assignments for the courses they are enrolled in to be recorded. You are correct, I am using a junction table tblCourseEnrollment with fields StudentID_FK and CourseID_FK.

    What do you mean "iterate through the .itemsSelected collection of the listbox?"

    Thank you!

  6. #6
    moke123's Avatar
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    What do you mean "iterate through the .itemsSelected collection of the listbox?"
    Basically you loop through the listbox and grab the selected items.

    I use my own function for this as I tend to use a lot of list boxes.

    Public Function getLBX(lbx As ListBox, Optional intColumn As Variant = 0, Optional Seperator As String = ",", _
                           Optional Delim As Variant = Null) As String
    'Iterates thru the multiselect listbox and constructs an array of the selected items
    'Lbx is Listbox Object ie.Me.MyListbox
    'intColumn is the column # to be returned
    'Seperator is the character seperating items in array returned
    'Delim is optional delimiter to be return in array ie. #1/1/2001#,#12/25/2015#
        Dim strList As String
        Dim varSelected As Variant
        'On Error GoTo getLBX_Error
        If lbx.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
            'MsgBox "Nothing selected"
            For Each varSelected In lbx.ItemsSelected
                If Nz(lbx.Column(intColumn, (varSelected)), "") <> "" Then
                    strList = strList & Delim & lbx.Column(intColumn, (varSelected)) & Delim & Seperator
                    strList = strList
                End If
            Next varSelected
            If Nz(strList, "") <> "" Then
                strList = Left$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)  'remove trailing comma
            End If
        End If
        getLBX = strList
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure getLBX of Module modLBX"
    End Function
    The getLBX code will return a comma delimited string of the selected items like - 1,2,5,9

    you can use something like

         dim strSql as String
         dim varItm as variant
         varItm = split(getLBX,Me.MyListBoxName),",") 
         for i = 0 to ubound(varItm)
              strSql = "Insert into tblCourseEnrollment (StudentID_FK, CourseID_FK) values (" & studentID & "," & varItm(i) & ")"
              CurrentDb.Execute strSql,dbfailOnError
         next i
    obviously insert your listbox name, fields and such into the above.

  7. #7
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    Where do I place the two pieces of code.

  8. #8
    moke123's Avatar
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    the getLBX function would go in a standard module.
    the second code would go in your form module perhaps under a command button.
    the value for your studentid should be changed to your forms control that holds the studentid.

  9. #9
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    OK, I finally got around to entering the code. (I've been away at a wedding.)

    I created module modLBX. And inserted the other code into the code for the form and changed "MyListBoxName" to "lbxCourseID_FK". When I open the form, I get the following error message.

    The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Expected: end of statement.

    Below is the full code for the form:

    Dim strSql As String
    Dim varItm As Variant

    varItm = split(getLBX,Me.lbxCourseID_FK),",")

    For i = 0 To UBound(varItm)
    strSql = "Insert into tblCourseEnrollment (StudentID_FK, CourseID_FK) values (" & StudentID & "," & varItm(i) & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
    Next i

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
    End Sub

    Private Sub StudentID_FK_Enter()
    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by moke123 View Post
    Basically you loop through the listbox and grab the selected items.

    I use my own function for this as I tend to use a lot of list boxes.

    Public Function getLBX(lbx As ListBox, Optional intColumn As Variant = 0, Optional Seperator As String = ",", _
                           Optional Delim As Variant = Null) As String
    'Iterates thru the multiselect listbox and constructs an array of the selected items
    'Lbx is Listbox Object ie.Me.MyListbox
    'intColumn is the column # to be returned
    'Seperator is the character seperating items in array returned
    'Delim is optional delimiter to be return in array ie. #1/1/2001#,#12/25/2015#
        Dim strList As String
        Dim varSelected As Variant
        'On Error GoTo getLBX_Error
        If lbx.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
            'MsgBox "Nothing selected"
            For Each varSelected In lbx.ItemsSelected
                If Nz(lbx.Column(intColumn, (varSelected)), "") <> "" Then
                    strList = strList & Delim & lbx.Column(intColumn, (varSelected)) & Delim & Seperator
                    strList = strList
                End If
            Next varSelected
            If Nz(strList, "") <> "" Then
                strList = Left$(strList, Len(strList) - 1)  'remove trailing comma
            End If
        End If
        getLBX = strList
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure getLBX of Module modLBX"
    End Function
    The getLBX code will return a comma delimited string of the selected items like - 1,2,5,9

    you can use something like

         dim strSql as String
         dim varItm as variant
         varItm = split(getLBX,Me.MyListBoxName),",") 
         for i = 0 to ubound(varItm)
              strSql = "Insert into tblCourseEnrollment (StudentID_FK, CourseID_FK) values (" & studentID & "," & varItm(i) & ")"
              CurrentDb.Execute strSql,dbfailOnError
         next i
    obviously insert your listbox name, fields and such into the above.

  10. #10
    moke123's Avatar
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    Form load is too early an event as you have not made any selections in the list.
    Use a command button.

  11. #11
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    But the Form Load is just setting the form to a new record, is it not?

    Quote Originally Posted by moke123 View Post
    Form load is too early an event as you have not made any selections in the list.
    Use a command button.

  12. #12
    moke123's Avatar
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    where are you running this code?

    Dim strSql As String
    Dim varItm As Variant
    varItm = split(getLBX,Me.lbxCourseID_FK),",")
    For i = 0 To UBound(varItm)
    strSql = "Insert into tblCourseEnrollment (StudentID_FK, CourseID_FK) values (" & StudentID & "," & varItm(i) & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
    Next i

  13. #13
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    It is in the form code

    Quote Originally Posted by moke123 View Post
    where are you running this code?

    Dim strSql As String
    Dim varItm As Variant
    varItm = split(getLBX,Me.lbxCourseID_FK),",")
    For i = 0 To UBound(varItm)
    strSql = "Insert into tblCourseEnrollment (StudentID_FK, CourseID_FK) values (" & StudentID & "," & varItm(i) & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
    Next i

  14. #14
    moke123's Avatar
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    It needs to be in an event.
    Put it under a command button on click event.

  15. #15
    MichaelA is offline Competent Performer
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    OK, I'm confused. What goes on the click event for the button, the Form Load or the code you made that begins, "Dim strSql As String"

    And where does the button go? I tried making a button on the form and put the Form Load code on the click event for it and the code wound up in the same place.


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