(I'm using Access 2016) I'm used to linking to things with ODBC but we have a new system that can only be linked to with OLE DB. I've previously made pass-through queries as a way of getting a read-only view that can be worked with in MS Access. I'd like to do the same thing with the new database. So far I've been able to do a query in vba that populates a recordset.

Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command, RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim ConnStr As String
ConnStr = "provider=NZOLEDB;data source=SourceDB;initial catalog=Test;username=SamIAm;Password=redacted;"
cmd.ActiveConnection = ConnStr
cmd.ActiveConnection.CursorLocation = aduseclient
cmd.CommandTimeout = 600
cmd.CommandType = adCmdTextcmd.CommandText = "select count(key) from test.place"
Set RS = cmd.Execute
The only way I know to get a recordset into Access is to copy it to a table one line at a time. That's not great because some of the recordsets could be really big. Is there a way to (link to a table) or (do a pass-through) or (copy all the recordset rows at one to a temp table) with OLEDB?